US Department of Energy

Custom Market Analysis


Guidehouse Insights created a competitive assessment of the United States fuel cell market for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to understand the growth of the fuel cell market globally and in the U.S. by comparison.   DOE also wanted to understand how the U.S. is positioned against other countries that are leaders in the fuel cell industry.


  • Developed and delivered a comprehensive dataset and charts identifying every fuel cell shipment by all manufacturers worldwide
  •  The dataset was segmented by multiple dimensions including end use application, underlying technology, and size of the fuel cell
  • Provided manufacturers’ market share along with company locations and locations of their manufacturing facilities for identification of the countries selling and manufacturing the greatest number of systems

THE RESULT: DOE used the information provided by Guidehouse Insights for an impact assessment of U.S. investment in research and development (R&D) in the fuel cell industry.