DER Database

The DER Global Database covers technologies grouped in four parts of the value chain that generate, manage, and consume electricity. Technologies covered include diesel gensets, natural gas gensets, stationary fuel cells, microturbines, solar PV, wind, and distributed energy storage.

DER Database 

The DER Global Database covers technologies grouped in four parts of the value chain that generate, manage, and consume electricity. Technologies covered include diesel gensets, natural gas gensets, stationary fuel cells, microturbines, solar PV, wind, and distributed energy storage. Learn more about the impact of DER.

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Segments Covered
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Institutional
Service Components
  • 2 forecast updates to interactive dashboards per year
  • 2 insight reports on emerging trends per year
  • 5 regions worldwide and 14 countries
Future Reports
For a list of future reports for the DER Database, please contact Guidehouse Insights client services at