Non-Wires Alternative Tracker

This Non-Wires Alternatives Tracker provides a comprehensive and up-to-date database of global NWA projects. Information provided for projects tracked includes project name, utility, size, cost, included technologies, status, and more details where available. 

Non-Wires Alternative Tracker

The Non-Wires Alternatives Tracker provides a comprehensive and up-to-date database of global NWA projects. Information provided for projects tracked includes project name, utility, size, cost, included technologies, status, and more details where available.  

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Topics Covered
  • Energy Storage
  • Combined Heat and Power
  • Conservation Voltage Optimization
  • Conservation Voltage Reduction
  • Demand Response
  • Energy Efficiency
Service Components
  • 2 tracker updates to interactive dashboards per year
  • 4 insight reports on emerging trends per year quarterly
  • 33 regions worldwide and 9 countries
Future Reports
Non-Wires Alternatives Tracker 2Q23
Analyst Insight: Emerging Non-wires Alternatives Business Models
Analyst Insight: Non-wires Alternatives in Asia Pacific
Non-Wires Alternative Tracker 4Q23
Analyst Insight: Non-wires Alternatives Case Studies