The City of Santa Cruz in California is using analytics to understand how one of its most popular parking destinations can best be managed for the benefit of all. Overlooking Monterey Bay, the Cowell’s Overview parking lot is popular with tourists, surfers, and local families. The city decided to take a data-driven approach to understand how the parking lot is used and how it can be better managed.
Eric Woods, research director for Smart Cities at Guidehouse Insights, will lead a discussion with Mark Dettle, director of Public Works, Santa Cruz; Al Ramadan, community member, Santa Cruz; and Jason Schulz, product manager, Transportation and Mobility Solutions, Verizon. The panelists will examine the issues facing the city, the data insights gained through the project, and how that data is helping to shape future parking, traffic, and public safety policies. They will also discuss curbside monitoring implications as well as lessons learned since the coronavirus outbreak.