Building the Business Case for Integration

VPPs and DERMSs Are Different Sides to the Same Coin

Sep 17, 2018 - 2:00 PM EDT
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Virtual power plants (VPPs) help transform formerly passive consumers into active prosumers through the integration and optimization of technologies such as demand response, solar PV systems, advanced batteries, diesel generators, chillers, smart thermostats, and EVs. Prosumers are becoming active participants that deliver services tailored to their own needs while also serving the larger grid in real or near-real time.

On the other side of the coin are distributed energy resources management systems (DERMSs), which look at the same DER assets from the perspective of a utility and grid stability. Utilities are examining localized grid services such as active power management, Volt/VAR optimization and control, and management of the whole gamut of DER for their own benefit—even if they do not own these assets. What would happen if one could combine VPPs and DERMSs into a common solution set? Join this webinar to learn why Alectra is exploring that opportunity with Enbala and why Guidehouse Insights thinks this collaboration is important.

  • What grid services can a VPP provide?
  • What grid services can a DERMS provide?
  • Where do these platforms overlap—and where do they differ?
  • How is Alectra looking to leverage both VPPs and DERMSs to manage its distribution system?
  • What is a virtual power plant (VPP)?
  • How does a VPP differ from a distributed energy resources management system (DERMS)?
  • What kind of synergies can occur if one combines these two DER platforms?
  • How quickly are markets for these aggregation and optimization platforms growing around the world?
  • Why is Alectra looking into using the Enbala Engine to manage DER on its system?
  • Utilities
  • VPP market participants
  • DERMS vendors
  • Energy storage companies
  • Smart grid software providers