Sam Abuelsamid

Principal Research Analyst

Mobility Program
Sam Abuelsamid is a principal research analyst leading Guidehouse Insights’ E-Mobility solution and contributing to the Automated Vehicles solution. With a focus on automated driving, mobility services, telematics, connectivity, cybersecurity, and advanced propulsion systems, Abuelsamid works with clients to help them understand emerging technology trends and shape strategies.

Trained as a mechanical engineer, Abuelsamid has more than two decades of experience as a product development engineer in the automotive industry, working on advanced electronic control systems and embedded software and architecture. Prior to joining Guidehouse Insights, he worked as an automotive journalist and worked in product and technology communications at Ford and General Motors. Abuelsamid regularly contributes to a number of publications, including Forbes, Automotive Engineering, and others. He holds a BSc in mechanical engineering from Kettering University.

Recent Reports

“For the past several years, there has been a lot of discussion about whether the technology or automotive industries will come out on top in the effort to develop and deploy automated vehicles. Increasingly, both groups have come to the conclusion that the answer is and rather than or as they partner up to leverage each other’s strengths to build robust, scalable solutions.”
— Sam Abuelsamid