Richelle Elberg

Principal Research Analyst

IoT and Connectivity
Richelle Elberg is a principal research analyst supporting Guidehouse Insights’ Energy Storage and IoT and Connectivity research solutions, as well as contributing to the Digital Innovations, Neural Grid, and AI & Advanced Analytics solutions. Her primary focus is on technologies advancing the Industry 4.0 era, including networking, automation, and AI in energy and industrial settings.

Richelle has over 30 years of experience analyzing telecom and technological evolution, including an extensive background creating market and financial models and performing strategic consulting and business valuation engagements for service providers and technology vendors. She is a recognized expert in both wired and wireless communications, including fiber networks, public and private wireless solutions, spectrum, low power WANs, and 5G/6G technologies.

Recent Reports

“In a nutshell, the Neural Grid takes the world’s largest machine—the grid—and gives it a brain. In this environment, data and intelligence reside largely in the cloud, managing the intersection of generation assets and distribution networks with energy customers, buildings, transportation infrastructure, city systems, distributed energy resources assets and more.”
— Richelle Elberg