- What are the drivers and barriers to increased adoption of lighting controls in C&I buildings?
- How much revenue are different types of lighting control equipment expected to generate over the next decade?
- Which types of C&I buildings are responsible for the most lighting control revenue?
- How does the size of the lighting controls market differ among different global regions?
- What can lighting control
manufacturers, professional associations, energy efficiency advocates, policy
makers, and design professionals do to foster increased adoption of lighting
Lighting Controls for Commercial and Industrial Buildings
Global Market Analysis and Forecasts of Occupancy Sensors, Photosensors, Multifeature Sensors, Relays, and Switches
Advanced lighting control strategies, such as time scheduling, occupancy sensing, and daylight harvesting, have the potential to reduce lighting energy consumption substantially in commercial and industrial (C&I) buildings. As energy efficient LED lighting systems become increasingly widespread and opportunities to improve light source efficiency become more limited, increased proliferation of lighting controls can become an important mechanism for reducing the energy consumed by lighting.
While this market has considerable growth potential, multiple challenges limit the size of the lighting controls market over the next decade. Energy and building codes are increasingly mandating the use of lighting controls in C&I, which is fueling growth in lighting control deployments, but the industry faces resistance to the total cost of lighting controls system installation and concerns about how the complexity of these systems will impact building operations.
This Guidehouse Insights report analyzes the global market for controls in C&I buildings with respect to five types of lighting control equipment: occupancy sensors, photosensors, multifeature sensors, relays, and switches. The study analyzes market drivers and barriers, and issues recommendations to industry stakeholders for increasing the proliferation of lighting controls. Forecasts of lighting controls revenue through 2032 are segmented by global region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa), commercial building type (office, retail, education, healthcare, hotels & restaurants, institutional/assembly, warehouse, transport), industrial building type (metals, transportation & machinery; petroleum & chemical; food, beverage, & tobacco; electronics; plastics & rubbers; wood & paper; apparel & textiles; other), and construction type (new construction, retrofit).
- Lighting controls manufacturers
- Industry associations
- Policy makers
- Energy efficiency advocates
- Investor community
1. Executive Summary
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Market Drivers
1.1.2 Market Barriers
1.2 Global Market Outlook
2. Market Issues
2.1 Drivers
2.1.1 Energy and Building Codes
2.1.2 Rebates and Incentives
2.1.3 Growing Adoption of Building Automation Systems
2.1.4 The Need to Reduce Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2.1.5 Technological Advances in Control Hardware
2.1.6 Increasing Market Penetration of Controls Embedded in Luminaires
2.1.7 Non-Energy Benefits of Lighting Controls
2.2 Barriers
2.2.1 Total Cost of System Installation and Lack of Pricing Transparency
2.2.2 Hesitancy to Add Complexity to Building Operations
2.2.3 Interoperability Concerns
2.2.4 Approaching LED Market Saturation
2.2.5 Restrictive Regulations
2.3 Pricing
3. Industry Landscape
3.1 Lighting Controls Value Chain
3.2 Competitive Landscape
3.2.1 Merger and Acquisition Activity
3.2.2 Business Model Evolution
4. Market Forecasts
4.1 Regional Forecasts by Equipment Type
4.1.1 North America
4.1.2 Europe
4.1.3 Asia Pacific
4.1.4 Latin America
4.1.5 Middle East & Africa
4.2 Forecasts by Building Type
4.3 Forecasts by Construction Type
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Three Takeaways
5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 Lighting Controls Manufacturers and Industry Associations
5.2.2 Energy Efficiency Advocates and Policy Makers
5.2.3 Design Professionals
6. Acronym and Abbreviation List
7. Table of Contents
8. Table of Charts and Figures
9. Scope of Study, Sources and Methodology, Notes
- Lighting Control Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, North America: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, Europe: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, Asia Pacific: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, Latin America: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, Middle East & Africa: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Commercial Building Type, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Industrial Building Type, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Construction Type, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Illustrative Lighting Controls Value Chain
- Lighting Control Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, North America: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, Europe: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, Asia Pacific: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, Latin America: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Equipment Type, Middle East & Africa: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Commercial Building Type, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Commercial Building Type, North America: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Commercial Building Type, Europe: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Commercial Building Type, Asia Pacific: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Commercial Building Type, Latin America: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Commercial Building Type, Middle East & Africa: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Industrial Building Type, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Industrial Building Type, North America: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Industrial Building Type, Europe: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Industrial Building Type, Asia Pacific: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Industrial Building Type, Latin America: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Industrial Building Type, Middle East & Africa: 2023-2032
- Lighting Control Revenue by Construction Type and Region, World Markets: 2023-2032
- Common Lighting Control Protocols and Methods (Non-Exhaustive)
- Lighting Control Equipment
- Lighting Controls Revenue CAGR by Region and Construction Type
(Unlimited users)