• MaaS
  • Transportation Efficiencies
  • Building Innovations
  • Smart Parking
  • EVs

Leading City Approaches to Urban Mobility Disruption

May 03, 2018

Promising mobility solutions are rapidly developing. A variety of solutions—EVs, automated vehicles (AVs), intelligent transportation systems, smart parking systems, last-mile logistics, mass transit innovations, and mobility as a service options (MaaS)—are expected to approach mainstream adoption within the next decade. Together, these technology innovations have the potential to not only address major urban challenges like traffic congestion and air pollution, but also to radically transform mobility in the city.

New Mobility Models under Development

However, the picture is fuzzy on what mobility models will work in cities. No major city has eliminated the plight of traffic congestion, and urban air pollution levels continue to be a problem in most (if not all) countries. Nevertheless, a number of global cities are developing innovative and even radical approaches to urban mobility, which will disrupt transportation models and push the boundaries of traditional transportation policy.

The following table outlines some of the approaches that forward-thinking cities are taking toward reimagining urban mobility, and the key differentiators enabling their success.

Innovative Approaches to Urban Mobility: 2018

(Source: Guidehouse Insights)

These mobility programs will change not only how people move about in cities, but also how cities are designed and managed. Collaborative management from a number of stakeholders (city planners and regulators, transportation companies, utilities, smart city suppliers, and energy companies) is key to unleashing the mobility revolution and moving cities in a positive direction.

An Ongoing Process

The jury is still out on which city programs will be most effective at curbing traffic congestion. As these programs are rolled out, other cities can learn best practices to replicate and explore opportunities to develop new urban mobility models in the coming years.

For more in-depth analysis on these leading city mobility programs, keep an eye out for Guidehouse Insights’ upcoming report, Urban Mobility Innovations.