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  • Offshore Wind Power

Dutch Offshore Wind Market Update 2019

Huygen van Steen
Sep 30, 2019

Wind Energy 2

Over the past 3 decades, nearly all offshore wind development has occurred in Europe, particularly in and around the North Sea region. With a current installed capacity of 13 GW and a rollout pathway of approximately 70 GW toward 2030, exciting times are ahead. At the same time, the offshore wind industry is growing into a global business with deployments occurring in North America and Asia. 

The Dutch offshore wind market is still relatively small, but is on a steady path to reach 10.6 GW installed capacity by 2030. To accelerate development, the government created a framework that has become an example for other countries. The development model has been applied to de-risk wind farm development, allowing for scale, standardization, a steady rollout, and cost reduction. The Dutch national government has taken more control of offshore wind and grid development, noting long-term societal benefits of a regulated system with a larger share of the risk and responsibility for the offshore grid allocated to the transmission system operator.

Wind Industry Expected to Meet Targets

The first positive results of the Dutch development model are evident, with the zero-subsidy tenders for Hollandse Kust Zuid and the successful commissioning of the first of five standardized 700 MW platforms by TenneT at the Borssele wind farm site. The industry is on track to meet the targets set by the government in the Dutch Energy Agreement 6 years ago. This was reason enough to create the first ever edition of the Dutch Offshore Wind Market Update.   

Guidehouse has taken the initiative to provide an overview of important developments in the Dutch offshore wind market throughout 2018 and the first half of 2019. The report highlights upcoming policy changes and market dynamics, and provides insight into business opportunities. Guidehouse has a long track record in advising and working with the stakeholders involved in developing offshore wind in the Netherlands. The market update report was not funded by a third party. It was undertaken in close collaboration with the Netherlands Wind Energy Association, TKI Wind op Zee, and GROW as part of the company’s contribution to the growth of the Dutch offshore wind industry. 

Download your copy of the Dutch Offshore Wind Market Update report from the Guidehouse website

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